Thursday, December 15, 2011

The choice is yours

     Are you leaving a legacy? Or just leaving?  Now pardon me while I go a little over the top and get right to the point.  When you take your last breath on this earth, and you pass on to the after life, and you have to stand before your God, are you going to be proud of your life?  Or in tears because you realized you wasted it?  Now I told you I wasn't going to pull any punches, this is serious. Your life is serious.  You've been blessed with God given talents and skills to improve the quality of your life style, and to improve the quality of others lives.  It is such a shame to know that 95% never get the financial freedom necessary to truly live their passionate purpose. Now don't be one of the 95%. Move your self to that top 5 % who really live. Not just survive in this concrete jungle.
     Have you ever walked along the beach just right down to where the water rolls up on to the shore?  As your foot lifts from the sand you can, for just a moment, see your foot print embedded in the earth. But then, with in a blink of an eye, the sand fills in on itself. Leaving your footprint with no trace.  The earth surface is smooth again, as if you hadn't left your foot print there just moments before.  Do you want that to be an example of your life?  I don't.  I want to create something. A legacy.  That lives on long after I leave this earth.  Carnegie said, and I quote. "I want to spend half my life e massing as much money as I can, and the other half, giving it all away."  And that is exactly what he did.  He understood the concept, that the purpose of money is merely to trade it for the things that you want and the things that you want to do with your life.
     Let me make this perfectly clear.  You will never be able to truly live, truly able to enjoy life, truly be able to make a difference, until you achieve celebrity status and financial independence. So the question I have to ask you is. Are you going to leave a legacy? Or just leave?


  1. its about knowing my purpose first of all..the guidance of my God is freedom in all i do. What am i going to do with all the freedom i have been given as a gift already? travel the world and live for the day, also a gift.
    or will i just be a slave to the world? for me and for vanity and materiaism.. these two are pretty extreme..but most of us are in the middle closer to vanity and materialism. thats me. something i wanna change into freedom that leads to making a legacy. -hopskotch

  2. The article above should not be taken literal. It has deep and hidden meaning behind it. The truth is found within you, not in front of you on a screen. To me, it seems like you are finding that meaning without even realizing it-Peach

  3. it is absolutely deep and completely makin sparks in some reality of myself..which also brings other questions to the surface that make it so much more complicated to find all the answers..or am i just the one makin it complicated? and i need to shut up go with my heart. be the person I want to be. not to impress but someone that changes something for the better for no reason regarding the need of good ppl in this world. but for the reason of makin myself proud for makin my 97 yrs of life on this life completely worth living. -hopskotch
